Happiness : Get it, Earn it and Love it

People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be-Abraham LINCOLN

Happiness is a feeling which makes us happy, satisfied and a feeling like being top of the world.
For everyone their idea of happiness is different, just like our thinking because we think accordingly what we feel. For foodie happiness is food, for sporty person happiness is sport and so on. If we love someone their happiness becomes our happiness like for a mother the happiness of her children is real happiness for her as well. So we can’t declare any rules and regulation for happiness because it can’t be controlled.

 Just think of a guy who is not well in studies but only getting passing marks becomes cause of celebration for him. On the contrary only having passing marks for a topper will become the cause of sorrow.
So the reason the way people feel results in the happiness which is different from each other.
Sometimes when i help old people to cross a road by holding their hands, it gives me happiness. Happiness is everywhere; it is in doing little things too. We don’t need to run behind big opportunities to be really happy.

Happiness doesn't always mean that one should burst into laughter it could be our hidden feelings or a little smile too. Most of us think that money is happiness we could be happy if we have money up to some extent it can b true but not entirely. We can buy things and feel happy by utilizing those things but we can’t buy happiness from money because it’s a feeling which comes from within.

For example if I have money and i want to spend it on myself but if someone is in financial trouble and i help him with that money, it would provide me more satisfaction. So happiness is everywhere it is inside us, the need is to discover it.

Making others happy can make us happy too. It usually isn't what you have, what you are, and what you have been through that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s how you think about it all. It starts on the inside, you control your thoughts. The only person who can hurt your happiness in the long run is you.

The conclusion is happiness comes more easily when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else's approval.

Samreen Fatima